

  • $0.10 per CPU core hour. This covers the actual CPU time an application uses to process a given request, as well as the CPU used for any Datastore usage.
  • $0.10 per GB bandwidth incoming, $0.12 per GB bandwidth outgoing. This covers traffic directly to/from users, traffic between the app and any external servers accessed using the URLFetch API, and data sent via the Email API.
  • $0.15 per GB of data stored by the application per month.
  • $0.0001 per email recipient for emails sent by the application

うーん、まだ僕の使い方が甘いのでこれが高いのか安いのか実感が無くてよく分からないな…。まぁ、当面使う機会もないので、amazon とか他のインフラと比べてのコスト比較は誰か他の人に期待しよう(^^;