

As you know, we are constantly working to drive our costs down and become more operationally efficient. We then pass on those cost savings to our customers in the form of lower prices. Today we are pleased to announce that we are lowering AWS pricing for outbound data transfer by $0.02 across all of our services, in all usage tiers, and in all Regions. These changes will be effective February 1, 2010. For more information, consult the pricing section for any of the AWS infrastructure services on the AWS website.


確認してみたところ全サービスで綺麗に $0.02/GB ずつ値下がりしてた。
EC2SimpleDBS3SQSRDSVPC の Data Transfer Out の値段。

転送量 Before After
First 10 TB per month $0.17/GB $0.15/GB
Next 40 TB per month $0.13 $0.11
Next 100 TB per month $0.11 $0.09
Over 150 TB per month $0.10 $0.08

CroudFrontも以下の通り。(下表はJapan Edge Locations、各国毎に値段違うけどみんな$0.02ずつ値下がってるぽ)

転送量 Before After
first 10 TB / month $0.221/GB $0.201/GB
next 40 TB / month $0.168 $0.148
next 100 TB / month $0.147 $0.127
next 100 TB / month $0.137 $0.117
next 250 TB / month $0.126 $0.106
next 250 TB / month $0.116 $0.096
next 250 TB / month $0.105 $0.085
over 1,000 TB / month $0.095 $0.075
